This week on the show, Carla Coll Valenti joins us to talk about the negotiation and due diligence process for selling an Amazon or eCommerce brand. She breaks down the process into different timeframes, including 30 days, 90 days, and 3 years. Carla Coll Valenti is Senior Strategic Integration Manager at SellerX . Carla’s background
Optimize Your Amazon Listing For the Best Results with Robyn Johnson
Are you looking for an effective way to maximize and optimize your listings on Amazon? In this week’s episode, the CEO of Marketplace Blueprint, Robyn Johnson shares the meaning of successful optimization on Amazon and how you can take action when your listing goes down in ranking. She also discloses how to go about product
From a 15k Side Hustle to a 2-Billion-Dollar Business with Spencer Jan
It’s a common misconception that there has to be a large capital to start an e-commerce business built for success. Spencer Jan’s story will reveal otherwise. Listen as Spencer Jan shares his journey from a 15k side hustle to a booming two-billion-dollar business!
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