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e-commerce aggregator

London-based Amazon Aggregator Olsam Group has acquired US-based Marketfleet

Olsam Group is at the forefront of the consolidation of the aggregator category. The London-based company acquired its current Aggregator in the US, Marketfleet with its 11 product-targeted brands. The recent years have seen Amazon’s aggregators compete to buy the most sensible acting brands on the site to improve their marketing, packaging, and positioning. And

Wholesum Raises $50M Series A to Pool Third-Party Sellers on E-Commerce Platforms

The growing trend of e-commerce aggregators has caused significant disruption in the Asian market. South Korea, the fifth-largest e-commerce marketing in the world is now rolling up. Wholesum, a Seoul-based e-commerce aggregator jumped into the bandwagon and is now buying third-party merchants that would normally sell on large e-commerce platforms like eBay and Amazon. The