Maximize the value of your business.

Start thinking about your Amazon and eCommerce business exit in ways you never thought possible. Let’s Talk Exits offers a wealth of information right at your fingertips from current events, to trends, to key information, and more.



Protecting Your Customers’ Private Information

As an Amazon FBA seller, it’s important to follow GDPR compliance in the US. Follow our checklist to make sure your business is compliant.  As an Amazon FBA seller, you’ve likely got your hands full with growing your business. Whether it’s advertising, managing customer support, or handling shipping and returns, it may seem that there

Shifting Your Focus From “Product Seller” to “Brand Builder”

Running your business is a full-time job. Whether it’s running your day-to-day operations, driving up sales, or scaling your business.What is often overlooked is brand building. Many third-party businesses see themselves as simply product sellers and haven’t invested sufficient time or resources into building up their brand. Adopting a “Brand Builder Mindset” results in effectively reaching your target consumers to keep them coming back for more. Forward-thinking businesses have shifted their focus from not only hitting sales numbers but also building brand loyalty.